티스토리 뷰


/opt (optional) : application (C:\Program Files)

/usr (user) : commands & commands information

/usr/bin (binary / .exe) : Contains the programs for all reference manual selction 1 commands, which are neccessary for basic UNIX system operation and file manipulation

/usr/sbin (superuser binary) : Contains system administration commands

/usr/lib : contains archive and shared libraries used for applications

/usr/share/man : manual page

/sbin (startup binary) : Contains the essential commands used for startup and shutdown

/home : contains one subdirectory for each user account on the system. 

/home/"username" : similar with C:\Users

/etc : Holds many of the system configuration files

/stand : Stores UNIX system kernel and its information

/stand/vmunix : Stores the program that is the UNIX system kernel

/tmp : temporary files

/dev : Contains the files that represent hardware devices that may be connected to your system

/mnt : mounted devices, eg) USB memory drive

/var (variable) : system log, eg) /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log

pwd : show present working directory

cd : change location in the hierarchy ["cd" change location to home directory eg) /home/"username"] 

ls : show files or directories  [-a , show hidden files . -F, recognize files or directories. eg) ls -aF]

mkdir : make directory [-p, eg) mkdir -p fruit/apple/grape ] 

rmdir : remove directory 

rm -R : remove directory that is not empty(that is directories)

ls -l : display file characteristics [ File Type, Permssions, Links, Owner, Group, Size(Bytes), Timestamp, Name]

cat : Concatenate and display the contents of files [cat "filename1" "filename2" ....]

more : Display files one screen at a time [q, Quit more. j, Return, One more line. k, One less line. Space, One more page]

tail : Display the end of files [tail -"number" "filename", display "number" lines. tail -f "filename", display changes of file in real time.]

head : Display the start of files [head -"number" "filename"]

cp [-i] : Copy Files [cp source_file target_file, cp files dir, cp -R dir dir; cp -i(R) file(dir) file(dir), inform overwrite]

mv [-i] : Move or Rename Files [mv file new_file, mv files dir, mv dir new_dir]

rm [-i] : remove files


Hard Link : Same Partition, same size with source, same inode number

Symbolic Link : can reference data on different partition, difference inode number, have a address to source file(depends on source filename not a inode number ,that is small file size)

ls -i : display inode number

inode table : (inum, File Type, Permission, Class, owner, groupe, Size, create Time, modification Time,  access Time, physical address(reference))

ln : Link to a File, hard link [ln -s source_file link_file, symbolic link]


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