티스토리 뷰

IoT 과정

Shell Patterns

gaelim 2017. 7. 7. 10:08

Shell Patterns 과 Reg. Exp는 엄연히 다르다.

UNIX shell의 vi 편집기능, grep, more 등에서는 Reg Exp가 사용되지만 shell에서의 file name generation, case 키워드 등에서는 Shell Patterns을 사용한다. shell의 기능이므로 man sh-posix (쉘 메뉴얼페이지, 다른 쉘을 사용한다면 다를 수 있다.) 에서 File Name Generation 메뉴를 확인할 수 있다. 메뉴얼 페이지에서 /File Name Generation/ Reg Exp를 사용해서 검색할 수 있다.

Basic Patterns (Expressions)

*  : Zero or more characters // leading dot string 제외, 즉 hidden file 을 피하게 생성된다.
?  : Exactly one character
[abc] : Exactly one character from the group  == @(a|b|c)
[a-z] : ASCII character from a to z

[a-d]* : starts with a letter in the range a to d, followed by any number of additional characters
mod??.dir : begins with mod, followed by two characters, then dot dir
mod*0[1-9] :

More Complex Patterns

*(expr) : Zero or more occurrences of expr   // *(ab) = { 0, ab, abab, ababab, abababab ... }
+(expr) : one or more occurrences of expr   // +(ab) = {ab, abab, ababab, ... }
?(expr) : Zero or one occurence of expr   // ?(ab) = { 0, ab }
@(expr) : Exactly one occurence..
!(expr) : Anything else except expr

Pattern Combinations

@(mod|exe)* : Beginning with mod or exe
+(mod)* : One or more occurrences beginning with mod
+([0-9]) : One or more digits any positive integer
?([0-0]) : Zero or one occurrence of a digit
!(no) : Anything except no
@(y|Y)* : Anything that starts with y or Y
@(y|Y)?(e|E)?(s|S) = {y, Y, ye, yE, Ye, YE, yes, ... }, Painful way to spell yes


@(rick|darren|steve) = { rick, darren, steve }
*(rick|darren|steve) = { null, rick, darren, steve, rickrick, darrendarren, stevesteve, rickrickrick... }
+(rick|darren|steve) = { rick, rickrick, ... } // same with *(pattern) except null
!(rick|darren|steve) = anything else except pattern rick and darren, steve
*@([0-9]) : match anystring ending with exactly one digit


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